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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Take it a little slow...

So I was wondering around in SL today and here is were I ended up. Slow is a lovely little sim with a few shops if your into cute things. You can do a spot of fishing, watch the sun set or play in the water. Unfortnately my graphics card dosn't like letting me see water in SL but I am sure it's beautiful here.

So here are a few pics I took while I was there.

It's snowing all over in SL at the moment but I still can't catch any snowflakes.

Didn't catch any fish either. I guess that's why they call this sim SLOW  lol.

TP here SLOW

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Winter in SL- O.T. Works ~_~ Dance Area

Just a few pics I took from my dance spot at O.T. Works - see my SL profile picks page for TP links.
brrrrrrrrr... it's cold in that virtual world.

Friday, December 10, 2010

It's All About the SNOWBALLS....

So I went for a wonder today in SL. Popped in to a couple of snow sims. Most of these pics are from Embryo.  I don't see snow in RL all that often I don't live in the snow area's of Australia and besides that it's summer here in RL. lol. Still though it's all about winter in SL at the moment so it's time for snowball fights, sticking snow in your friends boots and hot coco's in front of the fireplace (geesh I'm sweating here in RL).

Trying to DJ it's all about snow and flowers here I spun and spun the roses till I got dizzy and fell into the daises behind me.. 

MMmmm snowballs tasty?? as I say in my profile DO NOT LICK YELLOW SNOWBALLS, you never know where that stuff has been. This one is ok no yellow bits on this balls.( lick, lick Hefffkk me toomb is gettin noooomb )

 I knew this would happen one day..

So clicky here this linkypop  embryo to go visit this spot where I was oh there is a lovely little shop there too 
