Hey baby it's FREE it's for me!!
I was reading Gogo's wonderful blog page http://juicybomb.com/2010/07/04/newbie-style-challenge/and saw this challange, so I thought I would give it a whirl. So off my altness and I went into the wonderful world of noob land.
I still collect freebies from around SL till this day but now I'm older and wiser
I'm a little more fussy with what 0L or 1L boxes I will tick on and yeh I do the
occasional hunt now and then.
This avatar cost me 0L. Yeps that right not 1 little linden was spent wooohoo.
All items purchased on 5th July 2010 SL world days.
Skin & Hair :- Nikita Fride - Join group for free and sit on lucky chair for winter skin click on group gift box for a male and female hair. Awesome.(note these were still the June marked gifts not sure when they update)
Clothes :- Group join up Cynful (free) - now you have to like a little ass crack exposure thats why I went for a more edgey look for this alt. Yeh plumbers crack is big in sl ladies :P.
Boots :- Group join N-Core (free) - Click on gift boxes and get High Heels, Clothes and these fully customizable boots. A good colour range available in a fairly easy to operate hud. Read your notecards noobs!!
Nails :- Free from J's Tsukishima. These are gloves that fit very well prim nails are a little hard to fit even for me still and they don't like ao's.
AO:- Speaking of AO this was a free one from E. Watkins you can get a free male or female fairly simple ao's but really who wants to waddle over sl like a duck all the time.
Eyes & Body :- From the Library in your inventory - Body is Party Girl and Eyes are Crystal Green.
Overall I think it was a fun thing to do. I had to ask a few people for help as I played noobness in sl but I guess I spoke with some lovely people. So yeh join up a few groups see what you can get and enjoy your sl.
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